Saturday 5 October 2013

         THE ONE FAMILY comprises of THE DRAMA, MUSIC, and DANCE CREW; this establishment is a realistic and futuristic chariot that conveys the accomplishment of every youth who has been given a calling, gifts, talents or vision. 
  We are a group of youths driven by convictions and zeal for the Gospel, our acts, presentation, and ministration are birthed from the womb of the spirit. We are filled with a keen desire to infuse the glorious message of our Lord Jesus in the heart of men, women, boys and girls for the sole intent of changing their lives and the exposure of God’s ever caring personality.

Our Convictions
  •   We believe in using all we are and  all we have to preach the Glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  •   We know that we possess all it takes to fill lives with the Joy that the Gospel carries.
  •  We believe that Christianity is the most exciting experience in the world; that is why we are commited to make it known.
  • We believe that the souls of men can be transformed through a spirit filled physical demonstration of God’s power.
  • We believe that our lives, gifts and talents were given to us by God for his own purpose not ours.
  • We believe in miracles.
 Unraveling and heralding the revelation, joy, blessings and excitement that the Gospel carries via (through) our God’s given talents, gifts and callings.
Blessing and changing lives through the expression of heavenly potential and talents.
  Love and Unity our bond of Perfection.

        John Omale (a.k.a. OJVIBE), he is a promising young man who will stop at nothing to drive God’s uniqueness and greatness in the hearts of men WITH DRAMA PRESENTATIONS/MINISTRATIONS. He is musical artist also an expert in Theatre Arts, Movie Directing, and he is also a prolific motivational co-coordinator.

      THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) was divinely deposited and established in the heart of a young man ever since he was a child; he goes by the name John Omale a.k.a. (OJVIBE) who presides countless Gospel  Drama Concepts, Musical Invasions, and Dance Concerts for ministerial bodies and campuses in Nigeria. John Omale is a Gospel Artist and a Prolific Writer. 

            He has an eye that sees good in all things, he has a personality that can accomodate people no matter what their dreams and callings might be and countless number of times he has helped many people to find the purpose  for their lives; even when the world has tagged them failures.

He has great enthusiasm for perfect and professional presentations; this is why he spends quality time and uses earth-drilled techniques in training people for global impact and also for generating living wonders out of every heavenly potential he encounters.

John Omale shows off a lifestyle that projects originality and an extra-ordinary charisma that naturally blends with people of all caliber of life; his exceptional creative abilities has been a source of great inspirational force to TOFC and his community at large.  
John Omale’s greatest desire in life is to “build a Gospel breed of wonders” this breed are made professionals in Drama/Arts, Dance, and Musical ministrations; John Omale believe that lives and destinies can be influenced through a physical demonstration of the power and uniqueness of God. Nothing fails around him and nobody remains dormant after an encounter with him. He is known for his prolific terminology and motivative lexis.
John Omale is obssessed with change and doing things differently and this has been his drive and fuel in all his doings. He is well known for his invigorating personality that spans both the young and the old.



We exist for the sole intent of breeding a generation of professional actors, actresses, musical artists, and dancers that will become a wonder to our generation even as they partner with this mandate (THE ONE FAMILY) to embark on God’s given Vision to fill the world with a solid and precise knowledge of our Lord Jesus and to portray his loving kindness. 

THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) is a chariot that conveys, exposes, unravels and improves expressional and spiritual potentials. This Vision was instigated many years ago and is till soaring in the genuineness of God’s love and his never ending partnership. People of divers culture and belief have been groomed and nurtured for maximum impact through their association with (TOFC). THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) is a growing vision anchored in God and empowered by his spirit for the establishment of visual spirit filled edification/ministration in the house of God.   

We scans all the corners of every community in search of spirit embeded talents and gifts for the sole intent of enhancement, development, encouragement, drive, purpose, vision and greatness. Every thing we do is channeled to help others fulfill their dreams and callings in life; moreover we execute all projects and programs as a platform for young minds to exhibit heavenly potentials. We are driven by our love for souls and the Gospel, that is why we are addicted to continual manifestation of spirit filled ministrations and out-reach activities.    

 THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) has been mandated by God to drive men to total submission, and genuine repentance through the manifestation of heavenly gifts and talents.  The vision (TOFC) have existed since the creation of the world, this is because nothing on earth happens by accident everything has been exquisitely set by GOD our creator for the purpose of proclaimation and a spirit filled tutoring through DRAMA, DANCE and MUSIC.  

We spend time to build and shape people for global impact, this is why we are so enthusiastic when it comes to training people for various professional roles, positions and fields.

THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) initiative was established to accomplish the following assignments;
  •   To proclaim the Gospel of God’s power and love to all mankind.
  •  To eradicate the spirit of dormancy and the misuse of gifts and potentials from the lives of young people.
  •  Initiating Youth into greatness by showing them the benefits of using their gifts and talents for the Gospel.
  • To breed a generation of evolutionary wonders in all fields of ministry.
  •  Using our Gifts and Talents as a suitable material medium for the Holy Spirit to work with…

THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) stands as a mother vision to any non-pupit ministry that decides to stay under the umbrella of grace that she carries, she has daughter-ministries that she groom, supervise, and sets on platforms that exposes them to greatness and fulfillment. THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) is a vision that delights in bringing out the best in people and dedicated to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; every program, crusade, projects or invasions executed by (TOFC) are for the expansion of God’s Kingdom (Our Own Kingdom).


    Austin Tafita (left), Victory Amuokoro (Middle), Valentine Aliu Igbadia .a.k.a. Sledgewyhte (Right).

    The Kingdom Merchant consist of three talented young teenagers who came together as by divine master plan of God Almighty; they are known for their unique musical combinations and extraordinary Comtemporary / R&B GOSPEL mix. They spill, control and roll with the Strings (Guitar) and swiftly feed the souls of men with the corps of their lips.

    THE KINGDOM MERCHANT is always at your service.

Based on the lengthy research carried out by some Christian bodies; they have discovered that people who don’t go to church has one reason in common which is “the church is too boring (uninteresting) that is why I don’t go there.” Most Churches today are absent minded about the fact that preaching doesn’t have to be sober for it to be transforming.
 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
                                                Romans 2:3-4 
It is the goodness of God that drags men unto repentance not a religious doctrine or un-exciting church routine teachings.

  THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) has emerge with a solution by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; who instructed us to embark on a journey to every heart through our heavenly potentials thereby increase the consciousness of the ministry of the spirit.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
2 Corin. 4:7
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4:6
THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) has a wide range of services that are carefully assembled and tailored to meet the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the Church (the Body of Christ) and also all kinds of Christian/Social Ceremonial Gatherings. We have come to understand that most Churches in our present generation are losing their taste, impact, revelation and excitement that the Gospel brings because they have failed to understand that ministry (church administration) without the full operation of the Holy Spirit will be functioning below God’s desire for such ministry.

 In THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) we have a vivid knowledge on how to make every event something you would never forget in a hurry. We spent time on tables and took the pains in fi nding out reasons why some people are still forced to go to Church, in our research we found out some troubling reasons from both youths and adults here are some of them;
ü  I really don’t like the monotonous (boring) pattern of Church Services “It just the same methods and techniques over and over again” I prefer praying at home. (Nosa Osasuyi, 25yrs, Benin City).
ü  Am a teacher, and as a teacher of many years experience I can boldly say that one of the attributes of a good preacher is been concerned about the impact level of your teachings on your students/members; but some Pastors now adays are more concerned about your presence in Church services than how blessed you feel during service “all they want is the crowd not even troubled if they were happy with how the service went” they are so selfish. (Mrs. Tunde Adekemi, 33yrs, Ogun State).
ü   Am a food seller and a mother of five children, I work six days a week and everyday is like a Monday for me I hardly take a good rest but inspite my restless days I still manage to drag myself and my kids to Church on Sunday; but still I can’t find the joy and excitement that the presence of God carries. Didn’t the Bible say “In the presence of God there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures ever more”? (Mama Stainless One, 42yrs, Lagos State)  
The four powerful assets of any Church are THE WORD, SIGNS & WONDERS, EXCITEMENT, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT; a church that lacks any of these assets will struggle with church growth and spirit manifestations. The Church was divinely arranged and programmed by God to meet our every need; which includes our financial, spiritual, emotional, educational, marital, psychological and also social needs; but does all our present generation churches meet all these needs? The answer is NO! Only few possess all four powerful assets.
Every Pastor or A Church Leader has a huge bunk of activities to take care of; these activities includes church administration, management, business transactions if any, and family issues; most times they stumble agendas with activities so as to meet up with their most urgent event at every given time. 

This is the reason why this commission THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) was birthed by the womb of the spirit for making every Church Service, Events and Ceremonial Gatherings dramatically edifying, captivating, spirit energizing, revelation packed and impact themed.
 This is the reason why many Youths delight in clubbing than attending church services; they prefer dancing to circular songs than Gospel songs because they find fun and excitement while listening or dancing to circular songs which is the tool of the devil to yank them off the road of destiny and fulfillment in life.
The Good news is that THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) has the antidote to all forms of dormancy and dullness in churches. THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) have been anointed  to give every event or church programs an atmosphere of fun and excitement even as they are been edified, transformed and feed the Word of God through spirit filled DRAMA PRESENTATION, DANCE/CHOREOGRAPHY, and MUSICAL MINISTRATION.  

To every situation or condition in life there is a corresponding answer or solution laying secretly, we are a package of solution in every church service and ceremonial events.
            We have a keen approach towards winning souls and changing lives, nothing feels better to us than seeing the hopeless filled with faith again, the depressed barsking in the excitement that the Gospel carries, also seeing those oppressed/striken with disease by the devil been delivered and healed; through our anointed dramatic/visual ministrations.

In Nigeria an overwhelming number of youths are living an uninspired life as a result of inadequate information, unproductive associates and poor mental ascent they tend to flow with the shallowness that ignorance offers to its victims.

In THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) we have always believed that in every man resides a King who wants to rule and reign but most times he strives to be let out of his cage of ignorance and dormancy.

Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Ephesians 4:8

It is information that fuels your brain and potentials of every man and woman on planet earth. The difference between a rich man and a poor is not in what they have but rather its in what they know.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hosea 4:6

 THE ONE FAMILY CREW (TOFC) is on a quest to make youths totally independent in all areas of their lives and also live a fulfilled and famous life through the knowledge of God and the acknowledgement of every good thing that is embeded in them.
That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.
Philemon 1:6
 Wisdom , greatness and wealth all resides in Christ; this makes Him the only true source of sufficiency and abundance.  

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;
Colossians 2:2
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:3